Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What is the best prevention method during sex in your view?

Do you think condom is the best? Do women feel satisfaction if a men use condom,I mean cause they wouldn't have direct touch. Or maybe natural prevention is better? What do you think?

What is the best prevention method during sex in your view?
1. abstinence

2.the pill or something similar with a condom

yes women still feel satisfied, and it usually takes the man longer, so more so!

natural...NO...ok it works for me, but I'm married and if it didn't its no big deal.
Reply:It depends. If you are a person whom has several partners it is best to protect yourself not only from getting her pregnant but from STDs but if you are settled then there are other contraceptives available out there.
Reply:A combination of condom and Ortho-Tricyline (birth control / the pill).

Women can feel satisfaction with the use of a condom. However, to be honest, after a while of not using condoms most women will prefer not using them. However especially this day-in-age condoms are necessary. Many STDs are transmitted without knowing of it as many can be symptomless.

To prevent against pregnancy though... nothing is fool proof so I suggest using condoms and birth control.
Reply:I personally trust condoms the most. After abstinence of course.
Reply:the best prevention method regarding sex is abstinence

if you don't do it then it is prevented

'true love waits'
Reply:Unless you are willing to take on the responsibility of a CHILD and all that entails for the rest of your life you don't have any business having sex with anyone.....however if you are going to do it anyway you need to know that a CONDOM is only about 80% effective so that everytime you have intercourse with a female you run a 20% chance of being a Daddy...so if you are smart you'll be wrapping that willie EVERY TIME and she better be on the pill/depo provera shots/have an IUD, use a diaphram, or sponge, always have ONE method of birth control AND a back-up method.......you can never be too safe!
Reply:Condom, for sure. Believe me, wearing a condom does not diminish sexual pleasure. If it does, you're not doing it right. I'm not sure what you mean "natural prevention". Are you talking about the rhythm method to avoid pregnancy? Well, that's all well and good, and you can chance it if you want to, but the rhythm method does nothing to guard against STD's. Nope, be safe. Love yourself? Glove yourself.
Reply:Depends on the person. For example, my fiance and I have been together for a very long time. (And we're expecting our 1st child soon) I have no reason to suspect him or request that he have a condom.

However, if I didn't know him as well or if we weren't in a strong, dedicated relationship....he would definitely be wearing a condom.

Personally, it feels more different for him than it does for me. I would feel better, be more relaxed, and enjoy it more if the guy wears one.
Reply:Woman still feel you inside them with a condom on but some woman are allergic to the condoms and some men are too. My exbrotherinlaw was allergic to every one he tried. Other than condoms though there is Birthcontrol for woman but that isn't 100% either. Best prevention is just don't have sex.
Reply:Since this is in the adolescent area, I am going to say abstinence, no sex, and leave it at that.
Reply:Natural prevention is not the way to go. I suggest the pill and condom, unless you're 100% sure she takes the pill everyday. You don't want to deal with unexpected babies. It's better to be safe.
Reply:Good catch, Nanners. The only thing an adolescent should be considering is abstinence. Educate yourself. There's more to it than just preventing pregnancy.
Reply:I use a combination of birth control (nuvaring), condom, pulling out, and natural family planning. Meaning I'm on birth control, he uses a condom and pulls out before ejaculation. We also don't have sex when I most likely would be ovulating (around the 26-29 day of your cycle I think). We want to be extra careful though.

:: This is why so many teenage girls are pregnant. because people try to just say abstinence is the only way! Teens are going to have sex no matter what you tell them, so you might as well inform them about condoms and birth control so they can stay safe!
Reply:Nanners %26amp; Piano teacher, whether it's adolescent or not, just because you tell them not to have sex doesn't mean they're not going to do it. Some parents just have their heads in the sand and think if they tell them not to, then they won't. But all they will have is uneducated kids and likely unplanned grandkids. As far as answering the question, a condom is the only thing that will reduce the chance of STD's. I personally wouldn't recommend birth control pills for young teenagers just because I had bad reactions to it, but if their doctor keeps an eye on them, they can withdraw them if there is a problem. So.... a condom and pills to reduce the chance of both STD's and pregnancy. My own prevention is permanent, but of course someone young wouldn't want that yet.

EDIT: Oracle has made very good points, especially about the pill, but there are several possible complications with the pill that can't be quickly corrected with the hormone shot, such as dangerously high blood pressure like I experienced, which is not uncommon. The nuvaring, patch, and pill can all be stopped quickly if necessary, but you're stuck with the shot till it wears off. Other than that one point, Oracles points are all excellent.
Reply:I have no idea sence im never going to have sex until I get married then I wont have to worry about condoms (atleast until we have 50 kids lol)


No the best is a combination of high levels of education in contrception having started at a young age.

lots of practice with condoms long before they are needed.

Then combining condoms and a hormone contraceptive like

The patch, injection, nuva ring or implants.

One backs up the other.

also prevents stds.

Note did not mention the pill as too easy to mess up if you sleep in forget it, take it late, skip it get sick diaorea etc.



Also you dont have to have sex just get sperm in the right area not even inside the girls genitals.

Hence hormone contrception can catch things like sperm on fingers, drips, dribbles, condoms slipping off etc etc


you can get ribbed and vibrating condoms

Reply:i think combination is the best using the pill and condoms. Natrual may fee betteer but very risky
Reply:definitely abstinence.

inch plant

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