Thursday, July 22, 2010

Has anyone heard of the new diet called FLAT BELLY DIET by Prevention?

I got my prevention magazine last week and in it they say they have this new way of losing belly fat. No offense to prevention, but you know the old saying "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is". I checked out their website, but didnt find any answers to the questions I was wanting to ask. They have alot of sucess stories, but if you dig deeper into their site most of the weight and inches that these ladies lost was water weight. Sounds to me like another gimmick. I was just wondering if anyone else has heard of this "diet" or if anyone had tried it yet.


Has anyone heard of the new diet called FLAT BELLY DIET by Prevention?
Mostly water.

You lose weight by diet, exercise or disease. Just make a lifestyle change.

This is the diet I lost weight to and remain healthy and it is free.

For best results, eat six times a day. Try balancing your meals 70% protein 30% carbs.

Eat a combination of lean protein and healthy carbohydrates every few hours throughout the day to speed up fat loss and maintain stable energy levels.

Eat your proteins from lean sources (Chicken, fish, boiled eggs, lean beef with all the fat drained off) and beans (lentil, lima, chile or any type of bean)

For your carbs stay away from breads and rice. They do provide energy but they are high in calories. Choose leafy vegetables, carrots, raisins, broccoli and fresh fruits. Weight train intensely, three times per week on alternating days with aerobic exercise three times per week.

Drink 10 to 20 glasses water per day NO SODA

Good Luck !!!
Reply:I was wondering the same thing about this diet. Let me know if you find anything out. Sorry I can't help.

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