Thursday, July 22, 2010

What are birth control pills for other than for prevention of pregnancy?

Is there any medical reasons why someone would have to take birth control pills other than for prevention of pregnancy?

What are birth control pills for other than for prevention of pregnancy?
Several women have dysmenorrhea, or severe menstral cramps. It feels like there is a meat grinder in their abdomen. The pill curbs these cramps substantially.

Also, the new extended-cycle pill Seasonale greatly benefits women with anemia.
Reply:Many of my female friends have said that they like the birth control pills because it helps regulate their cycle and also makes going through their menstration easier on them compared to without.
Reply:acne control, regulatoin of menstruation and alleviation of menstruation symptoms such as cramps.
Reply:Nothing much. No, not really.
Reply:Depo-Prevera is used for male chemical castration.
Reply:some people take them to regulate hormones

this can help women regulate their periods and treat acne just to name a couple
Reply:To regulate their period. Some people don't have normal periods so they need regulated. Some doctors also prescribe them because they lessen cramps during your period.

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