Saturday, July 24, 2010

Do you think that the Senate will pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act?

The House of Representatives passed it today...It's full title is the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

Crimes commited out of the motive of pure hatred should be heavily penalized...

Do you think that the Senate will pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act?
I agree with you, Dear One. Too many people are getting away with murder (literally) and not getting penalized for it; but we have to make certain that we're getting the right people for the right crimes.

The Senate will pass it, but I do hope that the Shrub will sign it into Law and not have the poor sense to Veto it. Even he has to see that hatred is just going to make things worse in this country.

The times for lynchings and such should have been far far behind us.

Blessings, Dearest.
Reply:I just wish those loud people would turn down that idiot rap crap a little. Or turn it off when they go inside a store. They only do it to signify how lame they are.
Reply:Bush will likely veto it. The Republicans seem to be in favour of hate crimes.
Reply:I think it will pass, it's a very dangerous element of people who kill with only hate as a motive. I think the law is necessary.
Reply:This sort of law is actually dangerous. If overzealous prosecutors use the law to the full, any crime committed by a memeber of one group against another might be presented to a jury as a hate crime. There is a reason we have judges and juries. To penalize appropriately. This is just feel good legislation to appease certain groups of people and has no real affect on the frequency or severety of hate crimes. All violent crime is hate crime and should be punished accordingly.
Reply:Let's hope so. If it does not pass, then it would be a very bad reflection on the country, to make it glaringly apparent that they have no concern about hatred. Then again, nothing surprises me, considering how there is still so much blatant racism, or the murders at Virginia Tech.
Reply:"Crimes commited out of the motive of pure hatred should be heavily penalized..."

Does this mean that crimes commited because of mall ace or compassion be treated differently? Do you really think someone who killed your mother should get less punishment than if they killed you?

No, this is a very bad law on the federal level. This is already addressed by most states. The federal law is not needed.
Reply:I sincerely hope they pass it.
Reply:Also known as the Matthew Shepard act, it is a moot point since the House doesn't have enough votes to override the promised veto from Bush.

Even if a Hate Crime law exists, it does not mean that they are used by prosecutors.

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