Thursday, July 22, 2010

How can I join an animal cruelty prevention group?

I would like to join an animal cruelty prevention group, but I don't know how. Please don't ask me what group. Cause it is any group. They are all going for the same goal. I am 13 by the way.

How can I join an animal cruelty prevention group?
They're not all the same! DO NOT JOIN PETA! They will take your money and use it for their own diabolical animal domination plans. Don't do the HSUS either until they come clear about their relationship with PETA fanatics. Try the ASPCA or if in England RSPCA. Better yet, become a supporting member or volunteer at your local shelter. You might be too young to handle the animals, but I'll bet they let you put out collection cans or hang up event posters. Every little bit helps. Thank you for being such a sensible person, so young! I'm giving you a star so all my pals here can meet you!

PS: If you are a Nature Girl you can also get a membership to Defenders of Wildlife. These are the people the most directly involved in the re-introduction and protection of wild wolves!
Reply:Volunteer at your local animal shelter and ask them for local groups. I agree with above though, DON'T join PETA. They are a terrible group. They talk about animal rights, but they are only about their rights and making money for themselves. Try the SPCA or other local group.

Congratulations on wanting to help abused animals.
Reply:go to your local human society, and tell the front desk person that you would like to sign up
Reply:I would be prepared for some upsetting things, though--I hope that you are a lot tougher than I am. People do some really rotten things to animals. Most cruelty is in the form of neglect and abandonment, or simply leaving a dog alone in a backyard on a chain, feeding him scraps once a day but otherwise never touching him. That alone makes me very sad, but there are terrible people out there that make a game out of hurting little animals. That breaks my heart, and it makes me want to give the human a huge taste of his own medicine, but in our laws, kicking a human is a far more serious crime than kicking a defenseless dog or cat--unfortunately.

But it's great that you want to start. You know, the no kill shelter where I adopted my first dog (I have 3--some people tell me that I have 3 too many) was a wonderful place. It's called Friends Of Homeless Animals and it's in Louden Co, VA. What made this place unique was that the animals were saved, but not warehoused. There were tons and tons of volunteers that showed up all throughout the week to take the dogs for walks and got them plenty of excercise and socialized them with people and other dogs--getting them ready to be pets. I think that would be that kind of job would be really fun for you to start with. See if there is a shelter like that where you live (there should be more of them!)

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