Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Terrorist deaths VS abortion deaths (life prevention) in USA over past 30 years Do you know the figures?

Since 1977 to this point in 2007 there have been more than 38 MILLION abortions preformed in the USA . The largest number of deaths in the USA due to terroristism that I can find was in 2001 that death rate stands at just about 3THOUSAND. I know there were fewer than 3 thousand deaths due to terrorism in the USA over each of the preceding 29 years, but using 3 thousand as the figure means there would have been 90 THOUSAND deaths due to terrorism in the USA in 30 years. Terrorism=90,000 VS Abortion=38,000,000. If my figures are correct, the terrorism figure is less than 4% of the abortion figure. In NO way am I promoting terrorism!! We all know that terrorism and the death that goes with it is tragic. Isn't 38,000.000 tragic too? One is illeagal and one is legal. Both lead to death or life prevention. Ever think about it?

Terrorist deaths VS abortion deaths (life prevention) in USA over past 30 years Do you know the figures?
The most important fact is that for each fetus "saved" by the pro life movement, 12 loved and wanted children die. It is all simply a choice. You can choose to save an unwanted fetus or you can choose to save a loved and living child. All your other points are moot when weighed against the scale of the 12 children you kill.
Reply:Destroying a non-sentient blob of cells incapable of feeling pain or suffering is simply NOT on par with killing a living, breathing person in a terrorist attack.

"Pro-lifers" anthropomorphize a blob of cells with no brain or consciousness, no ability to suffer or even be aware of what is happening to it when a pregnancy is aborted, into something that actually has an internal monologue, saying things like "I don't like that doctor" and generally frets about being aborted. They have a habit of attributing qualities to blastocysts, embryos, and fetuses that even newborns and toddlers don't have!

That is ludicrous (also, it's only called a fetus from the third month onward, and the VAST majority of abortions are done WAY before then). "Pro-lifers" (who always seem to be in favor of the death penalty, interestingly enough) make the molehill of an unfeeling, non-sentient blob of cells less than an inch long (1 inch at the two-month mark) into the mountain of a child, physically indistinguishable from a newborn, who not only can magically feel pain, but is somehow imbued with MORE self-awareness and sentience than a newborn. It's shocking, and hilarious how little understanding these idiots have.

Following is the type of crap anti-choice jackoffs make up to try and demonize abortions, with my commentary added (this is a 'meme' that I've seen "pro-lifers" spread around a lot and actually use as an argument. It has not been cut in any way):

"Month 1

Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby."

LOL, right out of the gate, we are swamped in BS. A four-week old embryo is at MOST one FIFTH of ONE inch long. It has almost NO internal organs: no ears to hear a voice or another's heartbeat, nor arms nor legs to wave. The only thing it's got is its heart, which only begins to beat on day 25.

"Month 2

Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here."

Sorry embryo, the pro-lifers are still telling dirty lies (the irony of me pretending to directly address an embryo is intentional satire, people :P). You have no real thumb to suck yet (hell, no real developed mouth to put it in either). And even if you did, thumbsucking is only shown to start happening around month 5, three months later. And if you were to see an embryo at this point, without magnification, you would think you were looking not at a baby, but at a fleshy bean, because that is the shape the embryo is, and it's also only about an inch long at eight weeks.


"Month 3

You know what Mommy, I'm a girl!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me."

Okay, I'll let them get away with this because it's at week twelve (the last week of month 3; you barely made it) when sex becomes distinguishable. So hooray, the pro-lifer makes their first true statement! Unfortunately, it's followed by a very false one--it's not possible for a fetus to cry, not before it's got air in its lungs! Sheesh.

"Month 4

Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too."

Again we've got a 'half-truth' in here. The development of the lanugo (the hair that's being referred to) does happen here, but it's temporary. It's gone before birth (and for reference, this fine hair covers much of the body--we're not talking about 'head hair' here, which some newborns have and others don't). The fetus is capable of basic movement by this time, so the last sentence is alright, I guess.

"Month 5

You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?"

This is some of the most obvious anthropomorphization yet. Guys, children don't have anything resembling sense of self/identity until several YEARS AFTER BIRTH! Much less a fetus having the capability to literally DISAGREE with something. Of course, that is also not mentioning the fact that a fetus doesn't understand English--again, jackoff pro-lifers are attributing qualities to EMBRYOS and FETUSES that even newborns don't have!

"Month 6

I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me!!"

Let's start at the beginning. A fetus doesn't even know what a 'person' is, much less have the ability to 'dislike' a specific person (or, for that matter, know his/her GENDER, much less PROFESSION). Again, not even newborns are capable of this. The fetus here is shown asking about things in the same way that one would only expect a child of 3 or 4 YEARS to be able to. Shrieks of pain and cries for help are attributed even though the actual process of abortion at this point (again, I can't reiterate enough that it is EXTREMELY rare in the third trimester (let alone the second), and done most often because the pregnant woman's health is at risk) is still nothing like the kind of prolonged agony a pro-lifer would like to have you believe it is. The described reaction sounds more like what you'd expect if someone took a branding iron to a 5 year-old's forehead.

"Month 7

Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus's arms. he is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me, Mommy?"

Again, no sense of self in a fetus--it doesn't even know what a 'mommy' is, much less who it should refer to that way (or even how to tell the difference between people). The "why didn't you want me" at the end is a fallacious appeal to emotion, which dodges the reality of the situation--even if you don't abort an unwanted pregnancy, it's STILL an unwanted pregnancy! Going through the whole pregnancy, and having the kid grow up to TRULY (with the level of understanding these idiot anti-choicers would like to have you believe a freaking EMBRYO or FETUS has) feel unwanted, and know that their whole life was a 'mistake'...is that REALLY better than stopping an unwanted pregnancy as soon as possible? Think about it without a religious crutch or fantasies of embryonic sentience, and you'll know the answer.

P.S. The majority of pregnancies are miscarried before the mother or (obviously) the embryo is ever aware of what's happened.
Reply:give it up dude and go get a life!
Reply:Amen to that bro!
Reply:That is what I cannot understand. Libs scream about the war and innocent people being killed because of our war in Iran. Yet they think nothing of the partial abortions that have been performed and in fact encourge women to seek out abortions instead of living a more responsible lifestyle and using birthcontrol. I am not against very early term abortion if the mother's health is at risk, or if a girl or woman has been raped or taking the morning after pill. Young women now days think nothing of having an abortion, and I cannot understand how this has become acceptable in our society instead of using protection..
Reply:Abortion is not murder-it's easy for men to say and be righteous about it, but have you ever looked at the studies showing how crime and murder rates have declined in the past 30 years-many economists believe this statistic is linked to the decline in "single mothers" as 50% of all crimes are committed by minors. Men can and often do walk away, as they are not physically affected, thus the psychological impact is not as prevalent in their daily life. It'd be interesting to see the statistic for women, and how many suicides were connected to women who have chosen to abort their fetus.
Reply:Not everybody can afford to feed 10 kids either....Yes there is birth control %26amp; people should use it!!

BUT I am VERY pro-choice simply because I believe the choice should be there!! I don't believe ANYONE should push their morals on others.....You wouldn't like it if someone made you wear a burqua would you???

You don't like aborton - don't have one....but leave the choice out there!!!
Reply:I am aware of the fact that the number in loss of possible life caused by abortion is much higher than the number of lives lost because of terrorism, but consider the following.

Astronomical numbers of sperm cells die each year. All those sperm cells are possibly half of a future human being. If you cut the total number of sperm cells killed in half and add up the figures, it'd still be such an astronomical number that it'd blow your mind. Even when it involves so many deaths of possible human beings, nobody prohibits masturbation or protected sex.

Do you find that tragic?
Reply:wow, thats a powerful message!!! God bless you!!!
Reply:And the number of unadopted childrens you have taken is

0? The amount of money that you will provide for theor care is 0?

And how dare u belittle 9/11 Oklahoma City or other terrorist attacks including clinic bombings which u failed to mention in ur rant
Reply:Thanks for posting this very important issue, STAR for you :)

Edit: "Blob of cells", I don't think so. I was a volunteer at a Crisis Pregnancy Center and was asked to view a film called The Silent Scream. The film depicts an abortion being formed on a fetus at just 1 months gestation. I really broke my heart to see this tiny human being struggle as the curette (vacuum) entered the birth canal. The reason the film is call "The Silent Scream" is do to the babies mouth opening as the curette proceeded to do what it was designed to do, kill! Don't tell me "it's just a blob" when I know better! Come out of your denial and be responsible for what you choose to do when making a choice for abortion ok? If you plan to kill then just say that and stop trying to hide behind medical terminology. Get real.

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