Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fruits/Veggies in Cancer Prevention?

2 ) List 3 ways that fruits and vegetables can contribute to cancer prevention.

Fruits/Veggies in Cancer Prevention?
Cancer is nothing but mutation of normal cell which turn abnormal ( or cancerous) and keeps on multiplying without rhyme or reason and consumes all the energy from the body thereby killing all the normal cells and also obstucts there growth and function resulting in the death of the person. It has been found that the turning point of normal cell to cancerous one is due to certain toxins that are getting into our blood due to our life styles. Certain fruits %26amp; vegetables are known to posess properties that will oxidise these toxins and prevent the formation of cancer and some of them even affect the cancer cell that has formed from multiplying and halting the growth process. Vegetable like cabbage %26amp; brocoli have been investigated and found to have anti cancer properities and they are most affective for breast cancer patients. In general eating lots of green vegetables %26amp; fruits and drinking plenty of water and doing yoga and enjoying fresh air once in six months would suffice oneself from getting cancer.
Reply:t's been known for some time that cruciferous vegetables like broccoli contain cancer-fighting components. They not only lower your risk of getting cancer, but can slow the growth of existing tumors. But how do these veggies manage such a task, you might ask.

First, what gives these vegetables their cancer-fighting property are phytochemicals, which are substances produced naturally by plants in order to help protect them against disease. Lucky for us, phytochemicals help fight disease in humans too. At least two phytochemicals found in cruciferous vegetables are known at this point to be cancer-fighting, and they are Indole-3-carbinol (or I3C) and diindolylmethane (or DIM.)

One way in which these chemicals fight cancer is by interfering with estrogen metabolism, which contrary to popular belief, affects men too. The products of a body's metabolization of estrogen can vary. Some of the possible products are carcinogenic, possibly leading to tumors, but others are not. DIM works by causing estrogen metabolism to produce more of the non-harmful products, less of the carcinogenic.

Not only is DIM in these veggies, but in the body much of I3C is converted into DIM. Other roles I3C plays in fighting cancer seem to be the result of a combination of its derivatives.

In addition to broccoli, there are plenty of other cruciferous veggies you can choose from to get your I3C. Cauliflower, brussels sprouts, mustard greens, and cabbage are just a few. Simply eating some of these regularly does help prevent various cancers, but for optimal benefits, you have to eat up to two pounds of these veggies a day.
Reply:I think carrots and brocollis..
Reply:My husband has acute melanoma. We are working with am extremely good book written by Kim Dalzell, PhD., R.D., L.D. called CHALLENGE CANCER AND WIN!, published by NutriQuest Press, Round Lake, Illinois.

Kim works mostly with cancer patients and explains what foods and supplements are best for each type of cancer. She also has a series of CD's which help guide you.

Not only can food help prevent cancer, but it can help strenghten the immune system of those with cancer.

Good luck and healthy eating!

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