Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Prevention of cancer known?

Lately i have been reading on Otta Walburg who was a great scientist and he won several Noble Prizes, one of which showed the fundamental difference between a cancerous cell and a normal cell. Cancerous cell prouduce fuel to keep alive by ways of fermentation (available when there is lack of oxygen) whereas normal cell uses oxygen by respiration.

Why don't we ever hear about this great discovery? I am sure the drug companies would love to hide this vital piece of information because exercise and eating mostly alkaline foods would keep the oxygen supply high inside the body and thus prevent cancer. Although there are numerous external factors that probably contribute to cancer but still should we not be spending more time in contributing more to the research of Otto Walburg?

Prevention of cancer known?
cancer is a disease of cells occurs when cells lose its abilties to reproduce in a orderly manner. What you need to do is to strongly and dramatically interrupt and reverse the cancer-causing conditions in your body so that it becomes healthier, and stops breeding cancer. Here r a few things that will be helpful to u or whoever u know has cancer.....1) Low Levels Of Cellular Oxygen Breed Cancer...

Increasing Oxygen Levels Kills Cancerous Cells

2) Acidic pH Levels Lead To Cancer...

Normalizing pH Levels Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

3) Low Levels Of Enzymes R Always Found In Cancer...

Increasing Enzyme Levels Can Wipe Out Cancer

4) Cancer Cells Have Low Subtle Energy Vibrations...

Raising The Vibratory Level In The Body Disrupts Cancer Growth

5) Reduce Levels Of Toxicity

.....there r a few more but these r prolly da best common ones....actually by using one or combo of two of these or more in addtion to therapies will greatly increases the odd of beating cancer......


look up how u can ozonated n energized water which is very important since ur body is made up with 70% water......Y???

A Bolvis scale measures the life energy of all living thiings.... From 0 to 6,500 Bovis, the charge is in the NEGATIVE range, or life-detracting; while above the 6,500 Bovis point, the energy gradually becomes more POSITIVE, or life-enhancing. human is measure as 6,500 bovis which is netural..Humans desired minimal energy level is between 8,000-10,000 bovis which is slightly positive...the earth itself in 7,000 to 18,000 bovis

even bottle water r only up to 5,000 bovis which is negative...cancer cells r anywhere from 2,000 - 3,800 bovis negative.....also in relation...all atoms or molecules have a electrical spins.....everything that is below 6,500 bovis has a right spiin(clockwise) n anything that is above 6500 has a left spin (counterclockwise)......cancer cells spins right....healthy good cells spins left........earths rotates left...moon rotates around earth in a left orbit...earths rotates around sun in a left orbit.....get the picture....its positive n good.......ENERGIZED N OZONATED THE WATER N C WHAT POSITIVED THINGS IT CAN DO TO UR BODY.....the more oxygen n positive energy ur body can absored the harder the cancer cells to grow and/or reproduce..

pretty much this kind of explain some of the things i mention above earlier....this is pretty much regarding number one and four and a little number five
Reply:I donno i would have been alot easier if we knew that stuff a long time before.. I am on the highest risk of getting cancer when i am younmg.. I am only 11 but i lov emy life!!!!!! ur [rob;ey very smart and i think that with ur curiosity u can go anywhere in thwe world...........
Reply:Do you honestly think that health care professionals all over the world are going to try to hide the truth? Do you think they're stupid? They've been giving us all sorts of cancer prevention tips for YEARS. Where have you been? Unless you're willing to do the research and fund it yourself, quit complaining, and spread what you DO know about cancer prevention.
Reply:You're vastly oversimplifying this, which is what's leading to your confusion and conspiracy theories here. Warburg's Hypothesis (not Walburg, by the way) has been studied for decades and while it appears to be valid, it's not a miracle cure for cancer. Researchers and pharmaceutical companies ARE studying oxidative metabolism and its effects on cancerous cells, but it's not as simple a solution as you have been led to believe by whatever it is that you are reading. Some of the most recent studies have suggested that one way to suppress cancer growth might be to force cells into mitochondrial metabolism, and that impaired mitochondiral respiration may even have a role in metastatic processes. This is just one example of the way Warburg's Hypothesis is still continually being studied and expanded upon. But it's not as simple as just "keeping the oxygen supply high inside the body" -- the science involved in this is almost incomprehensible to me and I do research like this for a living!

Rest assured that Warburg's Hypothesis is still a very active element in cancer research. It is not being hidden intentionally by drug companies so that people will keep buying their drugs instead of just exercising. It's MUCH more complicated!

If you'd like to learn some of the hard science behind this, I'd suggest signing up for some biochemistry classes at your local university.

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