Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cancer prevention tips?

I know that you can't completely prevent or stop cancer but I'm curious, are there any types of food or other things that will bring your risk rate down?

Cancer prevention tips?
tomato reduces probablitiy of developing cancer by 40%
Reply:Yes you can prevent some cancers such as Lung cancer, stomach cancer and other types. first of all, to prevent lung cancer do not smoke anything, remember when you smoke your killing tissue in your lungs the more you smoke the more tissue you kill , and then you get cancer. to prevent Stomach and esophagus cancer you need to keep your body at a healthy weight and eat healthy because, the more overweight you are the higher your risk to catch cancer is. Remember if you really want to prevent cancer you need to eat healthy, exercise and get rid of stress because stress is the major cause of most diseases !!!!!
Reply:Although we do not know exactly what causes most cancers,but the state of current knowledge from extensive research so far have given us some idea on the possible or probable causes of some cancers.

Cancer arises from a single cell which has gone wrong.It has been damaged by the excessive toxin in the body called Oxygen Free Radicals. Usually the body has its natural defence called Oxygen Free Radical Scavengers to remove these excessive toxins. These Scavengers are also abundantly available in nature in the forms of fruits and vegetables that we eat and they are called AntiOxidants.

However, in these modern days with overcooked foodstuffs,environmental pollution,unhealthy living styles and contaminated air that we breath,there are more Oxygen Free Radicals in our body that is doing the damage than the available Scavengers to prevent it.

Some specific cause of cancer eg.smoking in lung cancer, excessive fats consumption in Colon cancer are also related to the imbalance between the Oxygen Free Radicals and the Scavengers.

Therefore in order to prevent cancer, we should live a health life,eating more of vegetables and fruits,exercise and perhaps consume antioxidants in adequate quantity over a long period of time.

Some cancers are due to the inherited tendency to develop cancers.In this situation,the above preventive measure could help to reduce the risk or delay the eventuality.
Reply:A healthy diet is always important but there is no food or diet that has been scientifically proven to cause, prevent, treat or cure cancer.

Smoking has been linked to lung and some other cancers, and excessive sun exposure to skin cancer; other than that we're still pretty much in the dark as to what causes cancer - and therefore how to prevent it.

Once I thought my lifestyle - vegan diet, organic fruit and veg, juicing, regular exercise - would prevent me from getting cancer. It didn't.


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