Sunday, November 20, 2011

Terrorism Prevention?

Ok, the WTC ordeal was so damn tragic and scared me half to death. Since then, why cant we like put a nylon rope on every floor of tall buildings long enough to reach the ground?? Of parachutes, SOMETHING. I mean TRY to prevent this from happening again. What do you all think? What else could be out on all floors so that people wont have to jump to their deaths??

Terrorism Prevention?
unfortunately nylon burns verry easy so thats out. there are several companies that have come up with mini chutes and even ladders for lower floors. unfortunately there is no way to make everything 100% safe or preventable. You cannot "proof "anything most people think that concrete does not burn which is incorrect if it gets enough heat.
Reply:We could line up the bottom ground floor level on the outside of the Building with a real deep Moat so that the people jumping can have a safer and softer landing place!

I wonder how many half gainers someone could do off of the 101st floor before they would hit the water?


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