Sunday, November 20, 2011

Parvo prevention?

I just lost two puppies to parvo. it was very sad watching them die infront of my eyes. Is there anything I can do to my yard to prevent my adopting future dogs from catching thiis ravaging disease?

Parvo prevention?
Parvo is common when cats live around the area of your dogs or passing through. They poop on the yard and the dog licks it and gets Parvo and passes it along to its puppies through the milk.

Sine the mother is big already it doesn't affect her, she is immune from it, but not the puppies.

The best remedy is to get a garden spray bottle and walk aorund the yard and spray pure bleach around the area and that kills the Parvo virus.

Now when the puppies get Parvo you can tell quickly because the Mother will not clean up after them anymore and their poop runs.

Seperate your puppies from the Mother and from that point on you need to hand feed your puppies because Momma has contaminated milk and do not let her near those puppies until you get them Parvo shots.

How to save a puppy from Parvo is very simple if you get to them in time. Get a teaspoon of Clorox Bleach and put it down their throat. They will gag and cough up all kinds of white slime within a few hours those puppies will cry because they are hungry and all the virus is destroyed. They get to feeling better and will chow

Then get you so similac milk like we use for our newborns at any store and get a baby bottle with a nipple and Cut a hole in the nipple big enogh for them to get a good swallow each time they suck. Those puppies will suck it all out in a matter of minutes.

Feed each puppy three times a day and in a few days your puppies poop will start coming out hard again and they recover very quickly.

I saved 15 Redbone Puupies when their Momma got into some Parvo virus and her milk was ruined. We had to take all the puppies away and we only lost one that was the runt of the litter. The rest of them survived thanks to Clorox Home remedy for Parvo.

Any questions about your puupies just write me and I will be glad to help you out. I raised Redbones for 15 years. I know allot of home remedies to help you out.
Reply:Please don't follow these instructions!!!You will kill your puppies. Parvo is preventable with immunizations!! Bleach is helpful to clean the virus off hard surfaces and your hands, etc. But please do not pour bleach down any animals throat. Report It

Reply:Bleach or diesel and set it on fire. No I'm not kidding. I've dealt a lot with parvo and its not fun. It comes from a virus in their feces. So cleaning that up will help it from coming back.
Reply:Vaccinate!!!! This vaccine is considered a routine annual care for all dogs, along with the mandatory rabies vaccine. Don't you take your dogs to the vet at all?

However, once you adopt a dog that already has parvo it is very difficult to treat plus poses serious threat to your neighbors pets - highly contagious!
Reply:Before getting another dog you ened to disinfect everywhere the infected dogs were. They have sprays that are made to kill the parvo virus. Do some research.
Reply:Get a weed sprayer, fill it with bleach and bleach your yard.

This will kill the Parvo virus.

In the future, should you ever have a dog with Parvo, there's no need to watch your dog die.

At the first signs of Parvo (vomiting, diarrhea, refusal to drink)

Go to the grocery store, purchase goats milk, and soft tofu.

Purchase a syringe remove the needle.

Mix the goats milk with the tofu to make a thin liquid.

Pull the fluid into the syringe.

Place the syringe in the dogs mouth between his cheek and teeth.

Slowly depress the syringe.

DO NOT PLACE IT IN THE DOGS THROAT (pouring liquids directly down a dogs throat can cause it to become aspirated in other words suffocate/drown)

Although the dog is ill, and usually not eating or drinking on it's own, when the milk mixture runs into the dogs mouth they will still swallow. A lot of the mixture will run out, but rest easy, he is getting some of it down although it might not look like it. The dog will try to get away, hold him steady and just do it.

Do not give him too much at a time. Filling his tummy will just make it come back up.

Feed him this way every couple of hours.

It usually takes about 3 days to make it through.

Dehydration is what kills the animal. By doing this you keep the animal hydrated and fed. I have yet to see a dog lost to Parvo when an owner puts this to practice.

Try to keep vaccinations up to date to avoid this in the future. There are some types of Parvo that we don't have vaccinations for yet, so use this if you run into one of those. Best of luck to you.

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