Sunday, November 20, 2011

BESIDES ... Prevention...?

What's the best thing for a sunburn... really... ?

BESIDES ... Prevention...?
aloe...i have one
Reply:Get aloe vera to moisterize it.
Reply:Either aloe vera or Noxzema.

The Noxzema is seriously true. It will cool your skin. When my mother in law told me that the first time I thought she was kidding because it seems like it will sting, but it doesn't. Trust me. I wouldn't lie to you.
Reply:Aloe Vera. Nicely cool and a little slimy
Reply:nocxema...feels so good on sunburn
Reply:Aloe...I got one today too, ouch!
Reply:a cool shower and aloe vera or cocoa butter...
Reply:Milk! Make a compress of whole milk (or buttermilk) and apply to the burned area for 20 minutes; repeat every two to four hours. Wash the milk off so you won't smell sour! The fat content of the milk is soothing for burns.
Reply:Yes, definitely aloe.
Reply:Chocolate syrup ;-)

really it works
Reply:a nice cool.. not cold.. bath...

mmmmm umm how's ur car again?


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